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Podcast Episode 56: Torill Bigg - The difference between carbon net-zero and carbon-neutral

23 September, 2021

Dr Torill Bigg, Chief Carbon Reduction Engineer at Tunley Engineering, joins us in episode 56 of the ‘Changing Construction’ podcast, the podcast designed to help people in Construction address the big challenges they face, and discuss the key themes across the industry. Here you'll hear from those at the forefront of change, where we break down stigmas and bring awareness to issues and challenges. In this episode, we discuss the difference between carbon net-zero and carbon-neutral.

Episode 56: Torill Bigg - The difference between carbon net-zero and carbon-neutral


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Dr Torill Bigg, Chief Carbon Reduction Engineer at Tunley Engineering joins us on the 'Changing Construction' podcast to discuss the difference between carbon net-zero and carbon-neutral, covering: how this difference currently impacting the climate, what we can expect to see after the Paris agreement, misconceptions of net-zero, how the built environment needs to adapt, and the need to be proactive rather than reactive.

Listen here

About Torill:

Dr Torill Bigg is Chief Carbon Reduction Engineer at Tunley Engineering in the UK and a Chartered Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in the industry specialising in innovative solutions to environmental protection. Torill holds a PhD from Cranfield University’s School of Industrial and Manufacturing Science, is the author of 7 published peer-reviewed papers and is a Member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers. She can be contacted via www.tunley-engineering.comblog_podcast button-06

Where can you listen to the podcast?

The podcast can be found on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, and more. We have also written a blog on this topic, including key quotes from our speakers that you can find here.

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