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IT: Are you email-wise?

26 October, 2023

Coming back to work after time on holiday can be nerve-inducing if you're not sure what you'll be coming back to. The biggest jump scare can often be from the simple red notification next to your email app that has been left, quite rightly, untouched for weeks. Meet Edward, a diligent project manager who found himself in this situation. Little did he know that the disorganization of his inbox would transform his life into a living nightmare.

Why stress is the biggest villain

Edward's inbox was chaotic; hundreds of emails flooded it daily creating a digital platform of confusion. Juggling multiple projects, he found himself drowning in email threads, some important and some not. Critical data, project updates, and client communications became buried in what quickly became an email graveyard.

Edward's days became a painful cycle of manual searches and email sorting. He began to feel severe stress when searching through an endless stream of messages, desperately trying to retrieve important information to report back to his team. It wasn’t long before this work stress started to affect his personal life. Stress started eating away at his well-being, which quickly spiraled into anxiety and exhaustion. His stress-free life started to disintegrate as he began to succumb headache of his disorganized emails.

The light at the end of the inbox

What Edward needed was an email management software that could automatically organize his inbox. With a tool like Ideagen Mail Manager, his emails could be compartmentalized, old data would be easily accessible, and the relentless search for information could finally cease. Fixing something as seemingly simple as your emails can transform your professional life, and in turn, your personal life.

In the modern digital age where email is one of the main forms of correspondence, don't be like Edward and make sure it doesn’t take over your professional life.

To read more about embracing email management with Ideagen Mail Manager, check out this ebook!


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