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How consulting firms can achieve long-term success with better email management

4 May, 2022

Management consulting firms of all sizes are under pressure to meet common challenges like meeting growth targets, finding and keeping the best talent, and completing projects on time and within budget. Achieving this relies on having the right data to make timely decisions and enhancing data visibility to deliver better customer needs. 

However, employees are typically busier than ever and have more collaboration tools at their fingertips to help them get the job done. That may seem like a positive productivity boost, but in reality, it typically leads to working in silos and further complicating workloads. 

Management struggles facing consulting firms

Management consulting firms typically face four critical areas of struggle that affect their business ambitions: 

1. Project delivery: Businesses are increasingly focused on automating or simplifying operations, but these aims are typically stifled by outdated processes, a lack of technical knowledge, and not having the right technology solutions in place. These failings prevent firms from delivering on projects as expected, increase the likelihood of project creep and prevent employees from being as productive as possible.

2. Business growth: Sales and marketing techniques from as little as five years ago are no longer effective in the modern business world. Management consulting firms must keep pace with customer experiences in other industries, embrace new ways of working and ensure their value proposition reflects those changes.

3. Profitability: Management consulting firms’ margins have decreased over the last few years as they struggle to keep pace with evolving client demands. This often results in project creep and an inability to take on larger, more complex and more profitable projects, which sees customers take their business elsewhere.  

4. Talent retention: The top management consulting talent is hard to find and even more difficult to retain as competition in the market increases. As a result, firms that don’t have the best technology or communication tools will struggle to keep hold of their top talent, who’ll look to nimble competitors that can help them better achieve their career goals. This results in firms struggling to meet customer demands and retain clients. 

How Mail Manager assists management consulting firms 

Mail Manager is designed to tackle the productivity and data management issues that are increasingly hindering management consulting firms. The solution uses artificial intelligence to automatically file emails to central folders and powerful search capabilities that enable employees to find any correspondence within seconds. This removes the risk of critical data going missing or being stored in the wrong location, reduces inbox storage and enhances employee collaboration.  

The key benefits Mail Manager offers to management consulting firms include:  

Industry-leading data discovery: Mail Manager research finds that 56% of employees are commonly frustrated by not being able to find specific documents in their inboxes. As a result, businesses waste time (60%), are less productive (50%) and lose visibility of project information through the lack of a paper trail (52%). Mail Manager’s search capability solves these issues by enabling users to find any email across their IT environment within two seconds. This is increasingly critical as employees continue to work remotely and rely on data stored in easily accessible locations. 

Increased data security: With Mail Manager, all emails are automatically saved and securely filed away from an organisation’s email servers. This helps firms be more organised and protects their most sensitive information from hackers. Taking control of email and document management enables firms to better manage who has access to which folders. As a result, businesses retain greater control of their data, address the regulatory risks of losing sensitive data and maintain better audit trails. They can now ensure that all project correspondence is stored in the most appropriate location and is easily and securely accessible by everyone with permission to access it. 

Improved project leadership: Mail Manager enables business leaders to stay on top of client requests, customer communication and project scope changes. Furthermore, it allows all team members to keep track of the status of a project, regardless of whether they were copied on emails. This capability is vital for management consulting firms to mitigate the risk of project information going missing, reduce the risk of legal disputes and understand potential client issues before they escalate. 

Address Shadow IT: Employees who aren’t happy with an application or aren’t provided access to a preferred program will increasingly ignore corporate guidance and use unapproved or insecure software. Mail Manager prevents employees from stealing data and ensures that information can’t be locked away in inboxes when someone leaves the company. 

Is your management consulting firm struggling to hit growth targets, find and retain talent, and deliver on your clients’ needs? Discover how Mail Manager can transform your email and document management with a free trial. 



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