The email-geddon is here, and it's causing huge issues for companies in terms of risk and productivity. In 2021, the number of global email users amounted to 4.1 billion and is set to grow to 4.5 billion users in 2024. And in 2021 alone, 319.6 billion emails are sent and received around the world every day. Not just that, but this figure is expected to increase to over 333.2 billion daily emails in 2022. All this begs the question, how are you managing your inbox?
A short horror story...
Ben worked for an architecture firm with 60 employees. He needed to find a particularly important project email that was evidence that his company had adhered to strict building regulations in regards to cladding. The problem was, a number of project members had left the business since. Ben spent hours, even days, trying to find the information he was looking for but was unable to track down that vital piece of information. Every time he went to click on the correspondence folder, he saw the dreaded 'empty'. His company couldn't prove they had met the regulations and were subsequently taken to court and fined $120,000.
Avoid the email-geddon
More often than not, businesses don't realise the importance of an email until something goes wrong, or they can't find the information they need. The power of documents and correspondence is unparalleled, and can mean the difference between winning and losing a dispute, should one arise.
The latest Arcadis report found that the biggest cause of construction disputes in 2020 was poorly drafted or incomplete, unsubstantiated claims. And in our own research, we uncovered that in most dispute cases, the information respondents needed to win was evidence of correspondence, contract management and project information.
It's time to stop letting these email horror stories become your reality. Download our latest ebook, "Surviving the Email Apocalypse", or watch our webinar below to see how you can arm yourself for survival and turn your email into a valuable asset: